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Student Jobs

The JUNA conference is almost entirely student-run, meaning there are many jobs available to be filled by students. Below are the different jobs that JUNA needs help with. 

WARNING: These jobs can be demanding, time-consuming, extremely fun, and fulfilling. 

- Attend 2 training sessions
- Run Opening Assembly and General Assembly

- keep track of voting and comments
- 2nd VP leads Security Council
- Announce awards at the Banquet
- Cleanup duties: collect placards, dismantle flags, help Mrs. D. load car
Advice from former officers: “Be a good leader because the whole room is looking at YOU; I had to speak louder than I thought I would need to; don’t be nervous and have fun! I needed to know more about Excel and keeping track of votes.”

Committee Chair

- attend one training session
- read and be familiar with resolutions in your committee

- lead a group of delegates in discussing and voting on resolutions
- know how to get to your committee and give directions to others
- count votes and report results to General Assembly
- model good behavior

*This job takes place on Thursday of JUNA; you can be a Committee Chair and a Security Council Monitor and have a great JUNA experience!
Advice from former committee chairs: “Speak very loudly and clearly; be sure your timer works; don’t be afraid to tell people NO; be sure the people know when you’re calling on them; amendments can be tricky; be prepared for anything!”


- attend two training sessions
- assemble delegation packets
- guide students, sponsors, and parents to committee locations
- help students, sponsors, and parents with seating and directions
- answer questions about anything and everything
- handle extra nametags
- monitor lunch line and serve in line if needed
- organize T-shirts, trophies, and certificates for the banquet
- model good behavior
- help students with microphones
Advice from former ambassadors: “Know where all the rooms are; be a good leader; get to know the other ambassadors; have the guts to tell people NO; be a good listener; be sure you know the schedule; be patient”


Security Council Monitor

Security Council Monitor

- lead a group of delegates in fact-based and exciting discussions

- brainstorm potential solutions and convince other regions to support your ideas

- debate and discuss pros and cons of potential solutions
- lead bloc in writing a resolution and presenting it to General Assembly

- great for people who love debating current events

- model good behavior

- attend one training session

*This job takes place on Friday of JUNA; you can be a Committee Chair and a      Security Council Monitor and have a great JUNA experience!
Advice from former SC monitors: “You need to speak loudly and be able to think on your feet; look for a confident speaker to present the bloc’s resolution; it’s fun leading everyone in a discussion.”


(tech team)
Mini-Grant Chair

- Attend 1 training session
- Be prepared to use your digital camera or Mrs. Dulin’s camera
- Take pics at Step and Repeat and all events

-Upload photos to website
- Create a slideshow of about 100 photos to show during the banquet
- Be familiar with schedule so you can photograph each event
Advice from former photographers: “Take lots of closeups; think about what you’d like to see to learn about JUNA; your pictures will be on the website!”

- Attend 1 training session
- read all Mini-Grant requests

- Determine 6 mini-grant winners

*This job can easily be combined with another job.

- Assist with other tasks as assigned by the JUNA Director

Display Board Chair

- Attend 1 training session
- Help with arranging boards and encouraging delegates and sponsors to view them
- Work with photographer to photograph examples of ideal work
- Determine 10 honorable mention winners

*This job can easily be combined with another job.

Tech Team

- Attend 1 training session
- Create a slideshow or PowerPoint depicting each nation represented at JUNA; Each slide of nation need to include nation’s location on map; 2-3 important facts about nation OR resolution topic
- Create other slides indicating voting times, lunch times, etc, according to schedule; edit videos
- Work with officers and committee chairs
- Use your own laptop at JUNA; upload pics and videos

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